Improve Indoor Air Quality to Beat Blue Monday

indoor air quality

The third Monday of January has been dubbed Blue Monday. The end of the holidays, cold weather and limited sunshine all contribute to people feeling a little blue. While the science behind pinpointing January 15 as the most depressing day of the year is a bit suspect—it’s safe to say that many people feel under the weather during the cold, Ottawa winters. And because we spend so much time inside escaping the bitter cold—it’s extremely important to take steps to improve indoor air quality.

Did you know that a Harvard study has linked poor indoor air quality to decreased productivity and lower cognitive functions? By taking steps to improve your indoor air quality, you can help improve your health and mood and help beat Blue Monday.

There are a number of ways to improve your indoor air quality. As heating and cooling specialists, Team Harding has a number of recommendations that concern your HVAC system:

Change furnace filters. Check your filters every month and replace as needed—your living arrangements and filter type will determine how often you have to change them. Clogged filters can decrease indoor air quality and can distribute dust and allergens throughout your home.

Consider additional HVAC systems. Depending on your needs, you might benefit from the addition of a whole-home humidifier, purifier or ventilation system. A professional indoor air quality specialist can recommend the right product for your home.

In addition to your HVAC system, there are a number of other things you can do to improve the air quality in your home:

Add some live plants. Plants such as a ficus or a snake plant can help clean the air in your home and remove pollutants. A bonus is that many of the air purifying plants are incredibly easy to take care of and don’t require a lot of upkeep.

Switch to “green” cleaning products. The products that you use to clean your home could actually be contributing to indoor air pollution. All natural or products labeled as “green” have fewer chemicals and can help improve the air inside your home.

Harding Heating & Air Conditioning has been Ottawa’s leading home comfort specialists since 1994. We are a family owned and operated local business and all of our installers and technicians are fully licensed.

Contact us with any questions—we’re always happy to help!

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Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed