Cost of a New Furnace in Ottawa

Looking into furnace replacement can be overwhelming—especially if you weren’t planning on upgrading. A new furnace is a financial investment and you might be tempted to just go for the cheapest solution—but that’s not always the best plan. There are a number of things that go into determining the price of a new furnace and if you’re being quoted extremely low, you might be getting subpar equipment or service.

A few factors that determine the cost of a new furnace are the efficiency of the system, manufacturer brand and the installing company.

Annual Fuel Use Efficiency (AFUE) Rating
The AFUE measures the efficiency of a furnace—with a higher rating equating to a more efficient heating system. Currently, the Canadian government mandates a 92% AFUE. Higher efficiency furnaces will typically cost more, but also usually qualify for rebates.

Manufacturer Brand
Equipment quality can vary between manufacturers and the warranties that they provide can be drastically different. Choosing a manufacturer with industry-leading warranties will cost more than going with a bargain basement heating system. However, it’s important to remember that a comprehensive warranty could save you from paying out-of-pocket for replacement parts down the line.

Installation Matters
Purchasing the equipment contributes to about half of the total cost of a new furnace—installation being the other. Heating systems that are located in tight spaces or require complex removal or installation will generally cost more than a straightforward furnace replacement.

Because there is so much variability, it’ll be hard to find a reputable company that provides a cost for a new furnace before scheduling a home visit. While some homeowners want to have a concrete cost just from a phone call—we caution Ottawa homeowners against using an HVAC company that provides quotes online or over the phone.

Team Harding offers FREE quotes on furnace replacement. In addition, we are the Ottawa area rebate experts. We can help you navigate available incentives to help you find the ones that you qualify for.

Harding Heating & Air Conditioning has been Ottawa’s leading home comfort specialists since 1994. We are a family owned and operated local business and all of our installers and technicians are fully licensed.

Contact us with any questions—we’re always happy to help!

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for HVAC tips and advice on common furnace problems!

Showroom Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed