Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Fall

Air conditioner ready for fall

There’s no denying how important it is to properly prepare your air conditioner for summer, but it can be easy to overlook the importance of maintenance at the end of the season. Soon, you’ll be counting on your furnace to keep your home warm and comfortable, but it’s essential to take the proper steps to get your air conditioner ready for fall.

Cover the Outdoor Unit: It’s a good idea to purchase a high-quality waterproof cover for your outdoor unit, as it will provide thorough protection from falling ice, debris and other build-up that can significantly affect your system’s performance once summer returns. Be sure to find a cover that allows for adequate ventilation and always remember to remove it before turning on the unit.

Clear Debris Around Condenser: Cleaning the outdoor unit is another crucial step for getting your air conditioner ready for fall. Make sure to remove any leaves and debris that have built up over the summer as it can attract rodents and other pests that could make shelter in the air conditioner over the winter.

Shut Off Power: Make sure your air conditioner’s power supply is shut off during the fall and winter to help avoid any unexpected electrical problems. Shutting off the power will also help prevent your system from turning on unexpectedly during those warm winter days, when the cover is still on, which could cause significant damage.

Schedule Maintenance: The best way to get your air conditioner ready for cooler weather is to have your system professionally serviced at the end of the season. Having your unit tuned up before going into hibernation for the winter will allow it to operate at peak performance when the summer weather comes back around. This is especially important if you didn’t get your annual maintenance at the beginning of the season.

Is your air conditioner ready for fall and winter?
Book professional maintenance today!

Harding Heating & Air Conditioning has been providing cooling service in the Ottawa Region for over two decades. Our expert team of fully licensed installers and technicians are always ready to deliver quality service.

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Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed