Preventative Air Conditioner Maintenance Will Save You Money

Preventative air conditioner maintenance

Preventative air conditioner maintenance is extremely important for cooling systems to operate efficiently and reliably. To ensure you’re getting the most out of your cooling system—make sure to change air filters, clear debris around the condenser and schedule an AC tune-up and inspection.

Check and Change Filter
Preventative air conditioner maintenance is as easy as checking and changing the air filter. Ideally, homeowners should be inspecting filters monthly and replacing as needed to ensure they never become full. When clogged, filters can affect how well the air conditioner works, decrease indoor air quality and even cause a breakdown.

Clear Debris
To be efficient, the outdoor condenser needs sufficient clearance around the unit. Over time, leaves, twigs and other debris can build up next to the system, affecting airflow and performance. Make sure to regularly check and clear the unit, especially after windy storms. You’ll also want to keep an eye on bushes and shrubs and prune them if they grow too close to the condenser.

Schedule Annual Tune-Up and Inspection
The best preventative air conditioner maintenance is to schedule an annual tune-up and inspection. During this yearly appointment, a certified technician will clean key components, check refrigerant levels and perform a safety check. They’ll also be able to spot any problems early—catching them before it turns into a complete system failure or expensive repair bill.

If you haven’t scheduled your yearly AC appointment, now is the perfect time!

Schedule your annual maintenance
and beat the rush before the hot weather arrives

Harding Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving Ottawa and the surrounding area with top-quality service since 1994. We’re committed to our customers and are happy to help them find the best ways to improve their home comfort.

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Showroom Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed