3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

indoor air quality

Winter can be cold in Ottawa, and as a result people tend to spend more time inside. Make sure that the air you are breathing indoors is clean and healthy. Regularly checking the furnace filter, scheduling yearly furnace maintenance and installing accessory HVAC systems can significantly improve indoor air quality.

1. Check and Change Furnace Filters
With families spending more time inside, we recommend homeowners check furnace filters monthly and replace them as needed. Operating a furnace with a clogged filter can strain the heating system and can also distribute contaminants throughout the home.

2. Schedule Yearly Maintenance
Having a professional clean and inspect the furnace can really help improve indoor air quality. While we recommend scheduling maintenance at the beginning of the season, if you haven’t booked an appointment this year, you can still benefit from maintenance.

3. Install an Accessory System
For people that want a drastic improvement in air quality, there are a number of different systems that can be installed:

  • Humidifiers add much-needed moisture into the dry winter air, increasing home comfort and even helping to prevent the spread of illness.
  • Air purification systems trap and remove contaminants from the air.
  • Ventilation systems replace stale, contaminated air with fresh outside air. They can also transfer the heat to make them extremely energy efficient.

If you’re worried about your indoor air quality or
have questions about installing an HVAC accessory system,
don’t hesitate to contact a friendly sales representative from Harding Heating & Air Conditioning.

Team Harding has been Ottawa’s leading home comfort specialist since 1994. We are a family-owned and operated local business providing furnace installation, repair and maintenance services from Renfrew to Prescott to Russell.

Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
for tips on how to keep your home comfortable throughout the fall and winter.

Showroom Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed