by hardcase | Dec 8, 2022 | FAQs
Certain telltale signs indicate it’s time to consider replacing heating and cooling equipment, or improving the performance of your overall system. It may be time to call a professional contractor to help you make a change if: Your heat pump or air conditioner is more...
by hardcase | Dec 8, 2022 | FAQs
Home thermostats can range from simple manual units to sophisticated programmable units. This guide will help you understand the different types of thermostats, what you should know when selecting your thermostat, and the special features that increase convenience,...
by hardcase | Dec 8, 2022 | FAQs
You wouldn’t buy a brand-new car and expect to never have to put air in the tires, change the oil and check out any unusual noises, would you? In the same way that an automobile requires periodic maintenance for optimal performance, a home comfort system should be...
by hardcase | Dec 8, 2022 | FAQs
With the many advances in technology, homeowners have a lot more choices in energy-efficient equipment and accessories. Even something as simple as air filters come in many varieties. Here are the some of the types of air filters you may be able to use for your HVAC...
by hardcase | Dec 8, 2022 | FAQs
Installing a humidifier is simple if you are replacing your furnace. But you can also have a humidifier fitted to your current system with minimal labor, since it is designed for installation in your ductwork. It is also important to properly maintain your humidifier...