What is a Ductless Mini-Split System?


With the announcement of the government’s GreenON rebate program for air source heat pumps (ASHP), there has been an increased interest in these systems. Also referred to as ductless mini-split systems, they’ve been extremely common in Europe, but just starting to increase in popularity in the Ottawa and surrounding areas. Ductless systems offer a number of benefits including increased efficiency, easy installation and improved comfort.

A ductless ASHP has two main components—an outdoor compressor that is linked to an indoor air-handling unit, which provides comfort to the immediate area. This system doesn’t require ductwork to deliver air throughout the home.

Another difference with a ductless system is that it can provide both heating and cooling. An ASHP works by transferring heat, not producing it. In the summer, the mini-split absorbs heat from inside—cooling and dehumidifying the space. In the winter, heat from outside is transferred indoors.

Since the need for extensive ductwork is eliminated, there are many benefits to installing a ductless mini-split system.

  • Zoned Cooling – Multiple indoor units can be installed throughout the house and each unit can be independently controlled—allowing for zoned cooling.
  • Flexible Installation – Mini-split systems are perfect for homes without existing ductwork and for homeowners that don’t want to live through destructive construction to upgrade their old ducts.
  • Increased Efficiency – Since ducts are a major source of energy loss, switching to a ductless mini-split system will automatically increase efficiency.

Harding Heating & Air Conditioning is your ductless expert in Ottawa. We can help you find the perfect product for your needs and help you navigate the rebates and incentives available for mini-split systems.

To learn more about ductless systems click here or contact us today!

Team Harding is one of the most trusted HVAC providers to homeowners and new home construction builders for a reason. We’re committed to customer satisfaction, quality workmanship and fast, reliable service.

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