by hardcase | Dec 6, 2022 | FAQs
The liquid used to absorb and transfer heat from one part of the home comfort system to another.
by hardcase | Dec 6, 2022 | FAQs
Copper lines used to transfer the refrigerant between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit.
by hardcase | Dec 6, 2022 | FAQs
A home comfort system that uses an indoor and an outdoor component to deliver comfortable air to a living environment.
by hardcase | Dec 6, 2022 | FAQs
The ton ratings you see here have nothing to do with the weight of the unit. In fact, a ton is simply 12,000 BTUs (see BTU definition on this page). A typical home cooling/heating system uses heat pumps or air conditioners with a capacity of between 1.5 and 5...
by hardcase | Dec 6, 2022 | FAQs
A home may be divided into several different areas (zones) to better control the temperatures throughout the house. The process of dividing your home into different areas is called zoning.