Prepare for Cold Weather with a Furnace Tune-Up

furnace tune-up

Winter is fast approaching and the earlier you schedule a furnace tune-up, the better prepared you’ll be when the temperature drops. Having yearly furnace maintenance is important for increased efficiency and reliability in addition to ensuring the system is safe and eligible for manufacturer warranty claims.

Increased Efficiency
A furnace tune-up includes cleaning and inspecting the inner mechanics of the heating system. Making small adjustments at the beginning of each season will help the furnace run at its peak operating efficiency which can translate into lower monthly energy bills.

Increased Reliability
Often, a furnace breakdown is the result of neglected maintenance. Small issues should be corrected promptly so that they don’t develop into large problems that can cause a disruption to your heat. With an annual furnace tune-up, you can expect your heating system to reliably heat your home for years.

Safe Operation
Checking that the heating system has no safety issues is part of a furnace tune-up appointment. This includes examining the system to see that there’s no crack in the heat exchanger that can emit deadly carbon monoxide in the home.

Keep Manufacturer Warranties Valid
If your furnace is protected by a manufacturer warranty, make sure to read the eligibility requirements. More often than not, manufacturers require homeowners to schedule yearly furnace maintenance to keep the warranty valid.

There are countless benefits to yearly furnace maintenance. Beat the rush and schedule your appointment with Ottawa’s premier heating and cooling company—Team Harding.

If you have any questions about your heating system
or want to schedule furnace service, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Harding Heating & Air Conditioning is the Ottawa region’s furnace experts. We have the knowledge and experience to help with furnace installation, furnace repair and furnace service.

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Showroom Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed