Extend the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner

air conditioner lifespan

With the heat we’ve been feeling over the first couple weeks of July, it’s safe to say it’s going to keep being a hot summer. With many of us spending the majority of our time at home, it’s imperative to know how to extend the lifespan of your air conditioner to keep your home cool this summer and many more to come.

Don’t Overwork Your Air Conditioner
Just like any piece of machinery, it’s important not to add unnecessary stress to your air conditioning unit. Avoiding usage during extreme heat is one way to do this and can be achieved by pre-cooling your home prior to a rise in temperature or by running your unit in the evenings when it is cooler and power is less expensive. Both of these steps can be achieved easily through the use of a programmable thermostat. Another tip to help prolong the lifespan of your AC is to ensure your ducts and filters are clean so the air can flow freely.

Protect Your AC Unit From the Elements
The harsh Canadian winters can take a serious toll on the lifespan of your AC unit, even though it’s not in use. Although many people believe plastic covers will offer protection, they can cause more problems than they prevent in some cases. Choosing the wrong cover, without proper ventilation, can cause moisture to build up and quickly degrade the components inside your air conditioner. Covers can also create an inviting space for mice and other small critters to nest in. If you do use a cover ensure it has the required ventilation and be sure to check periodically for animals, especially before start up. Some debris will inevitably enter your air conditioner, but a cooling technician can clear this debris and clean your coils during your annual maintenance.

Schedule Professional Maintenance
Minor issues can quickly cascade into large, sometimes irreparable, problems. By scheduling maintenance at the start of each season you can rest easy, and cool, knowing your AC is ready for the hot summer months. If you’re truly invested in extending the lifespan of your air conditioner it’s imperative to maintain it. Team Harding makes maintenance and repairs easy with club memberships available in various levels of service to suit your specific needs.

Enjoy the comfort of your home this summer. Contact us to schedule your annual AC tune-up.

Harding Heating and Air Conditioning has proudly served Ottawa’s home comfort needs for 25 years. We are a locally owned and operated business committed to providing the best service possible to our clients.

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Showroom Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed