How To Grill Avocados

Grill Avocados

There’s a reason why avocados are so popular: they’re delicious, they’re nutrient-rich, they go with everything, and they can be prepared in many different ways. At Team Harding, we love avocados and we love grilling, so we decided to combine the two by teaching our customers how to make delicious cooked avocados on the grill! Grilled avocados are delicious and there are so many ways to season them, they’ll soon become a staple in your home as a side at dinner or on toast at lunch!


  • 1 Large Kitchen Knife
  • 1 Quality Grill
  • 1 Mixing Bowl
  • 1 Large Dinner Spoon


  • 1 Bag Of Fresh Avocados
  • Salt
  • Olive Oil

Preparation Instructions

  1. Preheat grill to a medium heat
  2. Carefully slice avocados into halves with a kitchen knife
  3. Gently remove the avocado’s pit with a dinner spoon
  4. Rub inside of the avocados with a generous amount of olive oil and salt
  5. Place avocados on the grill face-down, cook until you see prominent grill marks

Next, Serve Your Favourite Way!

The fun thing about making grilled avocados is the versatility. Avocados can be paired with several different kinds of food, or they can be enjoyed on their own. Here are a few of our favourite ways to serve avocado from the grill!

Simple Avocado Slices

Interested in making your grilled avocado into a delicious side for your steak or chicken? Simply scoop the avocado from its skin and place it on a cutting board. Slice the avocado into thin pieces and sprinkle with salt, parsley, and parmesan cheese. Serve warm and enjoy!

Avocado Bowls

Once you’ve taken the avocados off of the grill, keep them in their skin and use the small divot from where the pit once was as a bowl for toppings like cheese, tomatoes, or even fresh slices of turkey breast. You can then serve the warm avocado with a spoon and eat it right out of the skin!

Grilled Avocado Toast

While cooking your avocados on the grill, add thick-cut slices of your favourite bread to the grill as well, take the bread off once toasted. Next, scoop the avocado from its skin and place it on the toast. With a fork, mash the grilled avocado evenly across the toast and garnish with salt, red onion, cilantro, and sriracha.

Looking for more delicious grilling recipes?
Check out our recipes page!

Team Harding has Ottawa’s grill needs covered with over 4,500 square feet of retail showroom stocked with the brands you know and love. Our knowledgeable staff is here to work with you to find quality products that suit your lifestyle.

Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram
for more grilling tips, and let us know how the recipe turns out.

Showroom Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed