10 Tips to Lower Your AC Bill This Summer

Lower Your AC Bill

As the summer heat increases, so do our AC bills. It’s a tight time for everyone so these increases can have a big effect on your budget. But you don’t need to break the bank to keep your home cool. Follow these 10 tips to lower your monthly AC bill so you and your wallet can enjoy the summer. 

Keep Cool with These 10 Simple Tips to Lower Air Conditioning Costs

1. Schedule Regular Maintenance

If you want to lower your AC bill this summer, scheduling regular maintenance with Team Harding is an important step to ensure your air conditioning is running efficiently. 

2. Install a Programmable Thermostat 

Installing a programmable thermostat is a convenient and simple fix that improves the comfort of your home while saving on energy use and cost. 

3. Upgrade Your AC Unit

Before the summer heat is in full swing, it may be time for an upgrade if your air conditioning unit is more than 15 years old, energy bills are increasing, and its cooling performance is decreasing. 

4. Limit Your Thermostat Adjustments

Adjusting your thermostat frequently means higher heating/cooling costs, increased energy consumption, wear and tear on your HVAC system, and reduced system efficiency.

5. Change Your Air Filters Regularly

When our air filters become dirty it restricts the airflow, ultimately forcing your AC to work harder and use more energy. Be sure to change your filters every 1-3 months during the summer so that your AC can work efficiently and lower your AC bill. 

6. Use a Zoning System

When you use a zoning system, your home is divided into different areas, each with its own thermostat. This allows you to strategically cool the rooms when you’re using them, rather than your entire home unnecessarily. 

7. Seal Leaks and Insulate

It is important that your home is properly sealed and insulated to prevent precious cold air from escaping. Make sure to check doors, windows, and ductwork for leakage, and seal them properly. 

8. Use a Ceiling Fan 

Ceiling fans circulate the cool air throughout your home so that you can raise the thermostat without sacrificing comfort. This is a cost-effective method since ceiling fans use significantly less energy than your AC does. 

9. Use Natural Ventilation

During cooler temperatures, take advantage of natural ventilation by opening windows and doors. This can help reduce your energy bill by giving your air conditioning a break. 

10. Keep Blinds & Curtains Closed

Blocking out the sun’s heat can help keep your home cooler naturally. Keep blinds, curtains, or shades closed during the hottest parts of the day to prevent heat from entering your home and causing your AC to work harder.

A Cooler Summer for Less 

By following these 10 tips, you can escape the summer heat and lower your AC bill, so that you can spend your time and money on the things you love this summer. Team Harding can provide the professional advice and HVAC equipment – from heat pumps to smart thermostats – to help cut your soaring cooling costs.

Contact us today to save all summer long! 

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Team Harding has been Ottawa’s leading home comfort specialist since 1994. We are a family-owned and operated local business and all of our installers and technicians are fully licensed.

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Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed