When Is It Time to Replace Your AC Unit?

replace AC

Knowing when it’s time to replace your AC unit isn’t an exact science. However, there are many telltale signs that a replacement would make more financial sense. As summer approaches, now’s the time to think about whether or not you need to replace and upgrade your cooling system. Don’t wait until summer starts to decide to install a new air conditioner. In this article, we’ll tell you how to decide if it’s time to replace your AC.

How to Know When it’s Time to Replace Your AC

When trying to decide if it’s time to replace your air conditioner, ask yourself these questions.

How old is it?

Most HVAC systems, including air conditioners, last 10-15 years on average. If your AC is more than 10 years old, consider replacing it. If it’s more than 15 years old, seriously consider replacing it. Depending on how well the unit was cared for, an AC could last up to 20 years. However, an old air conditioner won’t work as well and certainly won’t be as efficient as a newer model.

Does it require frequent repairs?

Look back on the last year or two. Has your AC required a bunch of repair work? Has the frequency of repairs increased noticeably? If you’ve noticed that your AC seems to need more and more repairs as time goes on, it’s likely time for a new one. If your AC unit keeps breaking down and you’re already contemplating replacing it, that’s probably the best decision. You don’t want to keep sinking money into your current cooling system when you could just upgrade to a more efficient model. 

How much will the repair cost?

Another question to consider is the cost to repair your air conditioner. If your AC currently requires repairs that total half or more of the cost of a new unit, just replace it. It’s not a wise investment to spend that much money on repairs when you could replace your air conditioner and likely save money in the long run with a more effective and efficient system.

Is it still energy efficient?

The reality is that old air conditioners just aren’t as energy efficient as new ones. New air conditioners are highly efficient and can actually help you lower your energy bills. You could even be eligible for incentives and grants to improve the efficiency of your home by installing a new system. 

Does your AC use R22 refrigerant?

If you still have an AC that uses R22 refrigerant, it’s definitely time to think about replacing it. R22 refrigerant hasn’t been used in air conditioners since 2007, and technicians are no longer allowed to recharge systems that use it. R22 refrigerant is harmful to the environment as it hurts the ozone layer. If your AC uses R22, it also means that it’s pretty old and you should probably replace it.

Replace Your AC at Harding

If you’re still not entirely sure whether or not it’s time to replace your AC, give us a call. We can provide expert advice regarding all your HVAC systems. When you do replace your air conditioner, talk to us about your options. We have a variety of cooling systems and we’ll help you choose the best one for your home.

Upgrade your cooling system at Harding.

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