Why is the Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

Why is the Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

A furnace blowing cold air is one of the most common complaints we get from homeowners. Sometimes the fix is as simple as an incorrect thermostat setting and other times it’s a symptom of a bigger problem that requires expert repair. Thermostat Setting: It’s best to...
It’s Never Too Early to Schedule Furnace Maintenance

It’s Never Too Early to Schedule Furnace Maintenance

Although the summer heat still seems to be lingering around for a bit longer, the fast approaching fall season means it’s time to start thinking about getting your furnace ready with professional maintenance. While it may seem a bit early, there are a number of...
Which HVAC Air Filter is Best?

Which HVAC Air Filter is Best?

We’ve talked about the importance of changing your HVAC air filter in the past and how neglecting to inspect your filter could create serious problems for your heating and cooling system. While many people know that they should be inspecting their filter monthly and...
Smell Something Strange? Call for Furnace Service.

Smell Something Strange? Call for Furnace Service.

It’s alarming when your furnace kicks on and you suddenly smell something strange coming from your heat registers. A change in your heating system is a sign something isn’t working as it should. If you are not able to determine the cause of the odour, call for furnace...
Break Bad Habits to Prevent Furnace Replacement

Break Bad Habits to Prevent Furnace Replacement

With the start of the New Year, everyone makes New Year’s resolutions to inspire positive change in their lives. It is also a time to try and break bad habits we have accumulated over the years. With that in mind, Team Harding would like to highlight tendencies...