Air Conditioner Myths That Cost You Money

Air Conditioner Myths That Cost You Money

Most homeowners in Ottawa have some form of AC installed for the summer heat. If you have one yourself, you may have overheard some air conditioner “tips and tricks” that sound good, but in reality, they could cost you time and money, and even affect your safety. If...
The Benefits Of A High-Efficiency Air Conditioner

The Benefits Of A High-Efficiency Air Conditioner

With the warm weather just around the corner, Canadians are starting to think about their air conditioners again. If you have a modern, energy-efficient air conditioner then you’re probably ready for the heat of the summer, however, if you have an older model that...
Daikin Fit: The Most Advanced AC In Ottawa

Daikin Fit: The Most Advanced AC In Ottawa

When in the market for a new air conditioner for your home, it’s always smart to look at the most advanced and innovative system. Not only will investing in a high-quality AC unit keep you cool with no problems throughout the entirety of your summer and the summers to...