Frequently Asked Furnace Installation Questions in Ottawa

Frequently Asked Furnace Installation Questions in Ottawa

If you live in Ottawa and have experienced Ottawa winters in the past, you know how important a working, high-quality furnace is to the safety and comfort of your home. At Team Harding, we understand that a furnace replacement and installation can be a significant...
How Long Does The Average Water Heater Last?

How Long Does The Average Water Heater Last?

Just like your furnace, your water heater is a necessary component to your home’s overall health and safety, and just like your furnace, your water heater has a lifespan. Once you’ve exceeded said lifespan, it’s time to invest in a new water heater. But what is the...
How To Choose The Right Furnace In Ottawa

How To Choose The Right Furnace In Ottawa

If your furnace is over fifteen years old, requires constant maintenance, or is costing you significantly more in energy costs than it used to, it may be time to invest in a new system. Buying a new furnace can be intimidating if you’re not an HVAC expert, it can be...