Furnace Maintenance Checklist for Ottawa Homes

Furnace Maintenance Checklist for Ottawa Homes

As colder weather approaches, it’s time to think about all the home maintenance tasks that need to be done to prepare for winter. That includes HVAC maintenance. Here in the heart of Canada’s capital, where winters can be particularly harsh, a well-maintained...

Pre-Winter Furnace Checklist

In Ottawa, the transition from fall to winter can happen quickly. As soon as responsible homeowners see the first few falling leaves, they begin to prepare their homes for the winter ahead. A big part of keeping your home warm and safe during the winter is ensuring...
Which HVAC Air Filter is Best?

Which HVAC Air Filter is Best?

We’ve talked about the importance of changing your HVAC air filter in the past and how neglecting to inspect your filter could create serious problems for your heating and cooling system. While many people know that they should be inspecting their filter monthly and...