Smart HVAC Innovations That Make Your Life Easier

Smart HVAC Innovations That Make Your Life Easier

Have you ever thought about HVAC technology and how much it’s advanced? Most people probably haven’t. You likely just set the thermostat and forget it. But, HVAC technology is actually pretty amazing and it’s advancing all the time. Consider these smart HVAC...
How Snow and Ice Affect Your HVAC Systems

How Snow and Ice Affect Your HVAC Systems

Canadians know the headache of dealing with snow and ice all too well. We’ve been through countless snowstorms and even a few ice storms. We can handle it – we’re Canadians after all. But, the same cannot be said about the machines that heat and cool our homes....
Top 3 Benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps

Top 3 Benefits of Ductless Heat Pumps

A ductless heat pump is the same thing as a mini-split heat pump. Both consist of an outdoor unit and at least one indoor unit, and they heat and cool your house. This is already a major benefit of a heat pump, but we have another 3 benefits of ductless heat pumps to...

Pre-Winter Furnace Checklist

In Ottawa, the transition from fall to winter can happen quickly. As soon as responsible homeowners see the first few falling leaves, they begin to prepare their homes for the winter ahead. A big part of keeping your home warm and safe during the winter is ensuring...
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