Handy Tips for Your Long Weekend BBQ Party

long weekend bbq party

With the long weekend coming up, it’s the perfect time to throw a BBQ party and enjoy some quality time with family and friends. But planning and executing a successful BBQ party can be a big endeavour, especially if you’re not a seasoned grill master. Luckily, we’re here to help! We’ve got some tips to help you host an unforgettable long weekend BBQ party.

1. Plan ahead. 

The key to a successful BBQ party is to plan ahead. Decide on the menu, the number of guests, and the activities that you want to include. Make a list of everything you need to buy, including food, drinks, utensils, and decorations. 

2. Choose the right grill. 

Make sure you have the right grill for your needs. Charcoal grills offer a distinct smoky flavour, while gas grills are easy to use and clean. Portable grills are perfect for small spaces or a remote location. Whatever grill you choose, make sure it’s ready and that you have enough fuel whether it’s charcoal or propane.

3. Prep your food. 

Marinate your meat in advance to really enhance those flavours. Cut vegetables and fruits into bite-sized pieces for easy grilling. Make sure to avoid cross contamination – nobody wants to make their dinner guests sick! Also, keep allergies or food sensitivities in mind. Ask your guests about this ahead of time so you can plan and cook accordingly.

4. Keep it simple. 

Stick to simple and easy-to-make recipes so you can focus more on having fun. Grilled burgers, hot dogs, and chicken are always crowd-pleasers. Offer a variety of side dishes like grilled corn, potato salad, and coleslaw. This can make it easier for the chef and ensure there’s something there for everyone, even the picky kids!

5. Don’t forget the entertainment. 

Set up some lawn games like horseshoes or cornhole for your guests to enjoy. Have a music playlist ready to set the mood. And don’t forget to have some non-alcoholic beverages on hand for the designated drivers and children.

6. Have ample seating.

People will want somewhere to sit while they’re eating. Make sure you have enough seating for everyone to be able to sit down and enjoy their meal. If you’re all sitting around a table together, set enough places for everyone or consider designated seats so families can sit together. 

7. Prepare for any kind of weather.

And since it’s Canada, you never know what the weather will bring. Plan for the worst by having some seats available inside or getting a tent or gazebo for cover and warmth. Additionally, you might have some extra blankets in case it’s chilly outside. Even better, make sure your outdoor fireplace is ready so your guests can gather round if it’s not such a summery May day.

8. Prioritize safety.

Yes, we need to say it. Always keep safety top of mind during your BBQ party – and all your parties. That means practice safe grilling, be prepared in the event of a fire or other emergency. And always have a first aid kit handy.

Head to Harding for Your Grilling Gear

We’ve got a bonus tip for you: we can help! Talk to Harding to get all your grilling gear and supplies. Throw an unforgettable BBQ party this long weekend with one of our Napoleon grills and stunning outdoor fireplaces

Hosting a long weekend BBQ party can be a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to impress your guests and create lasting memories. Happy grilling!

Call us for all your grilling needs.

Share pics and recipes from your BBQ party with us on Facebook and Instagram!

Team Harding is Ottawa’s go-to destination for grills, fireplaces, and outdoor heat options. We’re stocked with the brands you know and love.

Showroom Hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 4:30pm
Sunday: Closed