Designing a Custom Fireplace

Designing a Custom Fireplace

As winter approaches, the falling leaves and chilly air brings thoughts of cozying up in front of a fireplace with a big mug of hot chocolate. There’s nothing quite like gazing into a glowing flame on a cold winter night. If you’re playing with the idea of installing...
How Pets Can Affect Your HVAC System

How Pets Can Affect Your HVAC System

Many homeowners live with pets, and while they can bring a lot of joy to our lives, they can also be messy and destructive. They also require a lot of cleaning up after them! In terms of your HVAC system, it’s important to take steps to protect it from your furry...
Prep For Fall With Early Bird Furnace Maintenance

Prep For Fall With Early Bird Furnace Maintenance

While it can feel like a pain to book, furnace maintenance is a necessary part of owning a functional and efficient furnace. Getting your fall appointment over with early is a great way to beat the crowd and ensure your furnace is ready for whatever the Ottawa winter...
AC Maintenance for Allergy Season

AC Maintenance for Allergy Season

While April, May, and June are all pretty tough months for those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies, we’re not quite out of the woods (so to speak) yet. August and September can be just as significant when it comes to seasonal allergies due to the growth and...
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