How Snow and Ice Affect Your HVAC Systems

How Snow and Ice Affect Your HVAC Systems

Canadians know the headache of dealing with snow and ice all too well. We’ve been through countless snowstorms and even a few ice storms. We can handle it – we’re Canadians after all. But, the same cannot be said about the machines that heat and cool our homes....
New Year’s Air Quality Tips and Tricks

New Year’s Air Quality Tips and Tricks

Many Ottawa homeowners will end up spending the majority of their time at home during the winter in order to avoid the harsh winds and snow. If you’re going to be home a lot more in the next few months, it’s best to ensure that your air quality is high!
Preparing Your Furnace For A Winter Storm

Preparing Your Furnace For A Winter Storm

During the winter, a quality furnace is the key to a safe, healthy, and happy home. In Ottawa, we’re no strangers to experiencing harsh winter storms, and this can put a lot of stress on our furnaces, causing them to work less effectively or even to shut off. Before...
Ottawa’s Emergency Heating Service and Repair Experts

Ottawa’s Emergency Heating Service and Repair Experts

Ottawa winters are cold enough with a perfectly operational heating system, which is why a sudden heating system breakdown can be a down-right nightmare! While it’s safe to say that nobody wants a heating emergency during a Canadian winter, there’s a silver lining:...