Why the Big Green Egg is Perfect for Your St. Patty’s Day Party

big green egg

If you don’t already have a Big Green Egg, we’re sorry. You and your family and friends are being deprived of all sorts of divine dishes. It may look a little funny, but the Big Green Egg is a versatile cooking appliance that makes use of space-age technology to grill, smoke, and even bake up whatever you can imagine. Besides being green, this machine is perfect for your St. Patty’s Day party, and we’ll tell you why.

Reasons You Need a Big Green Egg for Your St. Patrick’s Party

1. It’s green.

First of all, the Big Green Egg is perfect for St. Patrick’s Day because it perfectly matches the green theme. It’ll tie in nicely with the decor of the rest of the party. Pair it with an Irish-inspired dish or some green drinks, and you’re all set.

2. It makes delicious food.

Everyone loves a meal that’s cooked slowly on the grill. You can grill tender, boneless meat that’s less than two inches thick, like a thin steak, pork chop, chicken breast, fish filet or burger. It adds a smoky flavour while maintaining the juicy crunch of whatever veggies you want to throw on it. Plus, there are accessories to cook all kinds of other yummy meals.

Give these recipes a go for your St. Patty’s party:

3. It’s a conversation starter.

Whether you’re an egghead yet or not, the Big Green Egg gives you something to talk about with anyone. Exchange recipes, share experiences, or just admire the machine for what it is – pure genius. You’ll be able to strike up a conversation with everyone at your party while you’re cooking up a masterpiece of a meal on your green machine.

4. It can maintain its temperature for hours.

One of the reasons the Green Egg can cook almost anything to perfection is that it can hold its temperature for more than 16 hours. Built with space-age ceramics, the Big Green Egg has superior heat and moisture retention compared to other grills, and only takes 10 minutes to get to temperature. 

That’s why it’s ideal for smoking beef brisket, pork shoulder, spareribs or pork butt over long periods of time. When you sink your teeth into something that’s been cooked on low heat over your choice of wood smoke, you’ll understand why the Big Green Egg has basically achieved cult-like status.

5. It’s more than just a grill.

Designed in the USA and built in North America, this ceramic charcoal cooker is more than a grill. It’s a grill, smoker and oven all rolled into one. It’s the ultimate cooking machine. This thing doesn’t just smoke meat to perfection, it can bake bread, casseroles, pies, pizzas, and cake. And some would argue, it does a better job than your regular kitchen oven.

Get Your Green Egg at Team Harding

This versatile machine can handle anything. Carnivores, herbivores, omnivores – you can cook up something for everyone at your St. Patty’s party using your Big Green Egg, and it’ll be juicy and delicious. This green machine will make the perfect addition to any party, gathering or family BBQ night. 

Get your Big Green Egg at Team Harding!

*Don’t forget to look out for one of our Big Green Eggs on the side of a Team Harding vehicle for your chance to win!

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