Preparing Your Furnace For A Winter Storm

Preparing Your Furnace For A Winter Storm

During the winter, a quality furnace is the key to a safe, healthy, and happy home. In Ottawa, we’re no strangers to experiencing harsh winter storms, and this can put a lot of stress on our furnaces, causing them to work less effectively or even to shut off. Before...
Just How Efficient Is a High-Efficiency Furnace?

Just How Efficient Is a High-Efficiency Furnace?

When the outdoor temperatures drop, you want a home that is cozy and comfortable inside! Yet, if you are like most people, you also want an energy-efficient heating option that can provide long-term energy bill savings. You may have heard the buzz about switching to a...
Common Home Cooling Mistakes And Blunders

Common Home Cooling Mistakes And Blunders

During the summers in Ottawa, you rely on your air conditioner to keep your home and your family cool and comfortable. The last thing anyone wants during this season is for their AC to suddenly break down, but there are in fact ways you could be limiting your cooling...
Should I Replace My Ageing Furnace Before Next Winter?

Should I Replace My Ageing Furnace Before Next Winter?

As we start to transition into warmer weather, your focus will likely be on your air conditioner, but it’s also a good time to reflect on your furnace’s performance over the last year to determine if it can make it through another winter. Here are a few signs that it...
4 Things To Consider When Installing a New Furnace

4 Things To Consider When Installing a New Furnace

If you are thinking about installing new furnace, there are 4 key considerations to keep in mind. From system size to the installation company, we’ve broken down these important factors below so you can make you home comfort purchase with confidence!
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