Furnace Maintenance Checklist for Ottawa Homes

Furnace Maintenance Checklist for Ottawa Homes

As colder weather approaches, it’s time to think about all the home maintenance tasks that need to be done to prepare for winter. That includes HVAC maintenance. Here in the heart of Canada’s capital, where winters can be particularly harsh, a well-maintained...
5 Signs It’s Time to Get Your Ducts Cleaned

5 Signs It’s Time to Get Your Ducts Cleaned

As a homeowner, you have so many responsibilities. It’s easy to overlook some important tasks, like maintaining your HVAC systems. However, neglecting routine maintenance can lead to a variety of problems, including poor air quality, higher energy bills, and even HVAC...
Zero-clearance Fireplaces and What You Need to Know

Zero-clearance Fireplaces and What You Need to Know

If you’re shopping around for a fireplace but don’t want a wood-burning fireplace or don’t have a chimney, you should explore zero-clearance fireplaces. They look great and can add the same level of coziness to your home as other fireplaces. Not to mention, these...
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